one time i wrote a poem that looked just like a poem
it looked like a poem would
if it were a poem
if i were slamming against you and losing by three hundred
i’d just hold up the poem and everyone would see it was a poem
and i would win and you’d be angry but then we would laugh
and that could be fun
this other time you had some book
you were looking for a poem about horses to show me
you pointed at a poem that looked like a poem
i said ‘that looks like a poem’
and you said, ‘read it, it’s pretty’
another time i was thinking about how i didn’t read the poem about horses
i was thinking you thought the poem was pretty
and i think it looked just like a poem
and i was thinking there is no connection in those two things, and that is kind of nice
because it was actually free of bullshit, finally